Monday, November 10, 2008

Mad Tidbit Thoughts

There times when I feel battered,
In those deserted depressed interlude phases…
With no soul to love, Or no friend to care
When people, who I think are close, abandon me to seek better things of life
Days when I silently observe my dear one let go of me
Moments when only those seven reaffirming words echo from within
“Press on; for this too shall pass”
Yes “press on – For this too shall pass”

Insanely said “I can’t be happy that I’m happy today; nor can I be sad that I’m sad today” For in this mysterious journey called life, I seek only to press on- for each day comes with it’s own roller coaster bundles of joy and sorrow.

Live Consciously :)

Friday, July 25, 2008

Windmills of Ms. Condoleeza Rice

Windmills of God (WOG) - Sidney Sheldon; Character: Mrs. Mary Ashley
Windmills of Time (WOT); Character: Ms. Condoleeza Rice

Academic WOG: a Political Science professor at the University of Kansas.
Academic WOT : political Science Professor at the Stanford university

Strength WOG: Was a Specialist on the issues of Romania..
Strength WOT: was a specialist on the Soviet Union affairs. At a 1985, meeting of arms control experts at Stanford, Rice’s performance drew the attention of Brent Scowcroft, who had served as National Security Advisor. Scowcroft returned to the White House as National Security Adviser in 1989, and asked Rice to become his Soviet expert on the United States National Security Council.

WOG Political View: Captivates Mr. President (US), so much that he repeatedly persuades her to take ambassadorship into the iron Curtain Country
WOT Political View: President George W Bush was “captivated” by Rice, and relied heavily on her advice in his dealings with Mikhal Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin

WOG Achievements: outstandingly succeeds, in spite of the challenges of the secret conspiracies. Settles the Long monopolistic government disputes of Romania and innocently devastate the members of the secret society
WOT Achievements: Gaza Withdrawal, Border Crossings dealings, Israeli-Palestinian conflict negotiations, Israel-Lebanon conflict negotiations……………so goes on and on

Final Word: Windmills of God consigned Ms. Ashley to continue her ambassadorship job in spite of the diabolical international conspiracy. Wonder if the Windmills of Time will consign Ms. Rice to be the republican McCain's running mate or get back to Stanford (as she wishes to)?

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

AFRICA - Richest yet the poorest

Africa - A world leader of Ancient Days, Crowned for earliest, urbanized and longest civilizations,
is now barren. Waiting for Aid. Hoping against hope, to see another sunrise, another day.

Rich of Nature’s abundance the continent is well resourced with mineral reservoirs that has the muscle to make this continent an economic super power. Platinum, Gold , diamonds, petroleum, manganese, limestone, salt, uranium, copper, cobalt, zinc, iron ore, phosphates, potash, bauxite, gypsum, soda ash, rubies., titanium, tin ore, asbestos, coal, clay, lead and Cobalt are just a few of the many depots in every country of the Arican Union . The continent contributes 48 per cent of its diamonds, 29 per cent of its gold, 48 per cent of its platinum and 46 per cent of the world's chromium to global markets. A land with OIL reserves of 75.4 billion barrels (world's 10th largest reserve) that offers over 40 types of crude oil. It is also interesting to note that "One third of the world's new discoveries of Oil since 2000 have taken place in Arfica" "One third of the world's new discoveries of Oil since
2000, have taken place in Africa"

{Makes me wonder why Global gaints are swiflty behind Middle-east for oil, when there are huge reserves in this continent that welcomes international investors.}

Despite, UN still lists 34 of the 50 nations on the UN list of least developed countries are in Africa. 32.8 million Africans live with HIV; 2.5 million are newly infected of HIV and 2 million loose their lives to AIDS. Lowest literacy Levels, superstions, Slave Trade, malnutrition, Hunger, Poverty, corrupt Governments, Military conflicts (not to forget the Darfur Conflict and it’s victims), inadequate water supply and limited supply of health care – if there is one continent that could have it all it’s AFRICA. Internet is a luxury, Computers is a asset for the rich, Laptops are definitely for the wealthiest (could have been different if OLPC was implemented), Technology is for the most highly educated, TV and radio are proudly owned goods of the middle-class, it's poorest make their living on less than Rs.40 ($1) a day.....

Now the Historic leader, the most primitive urban civilizations now stands barren, waiting for your Aid. Hoping against hope for your care, to see another sunrise through your eyes, to live another day in your support…Is there anything, we as fellow brothers can do to bring smile to these innocent faces?

Monday, May 26, 2008

Spiritual Bits

Failures n depressing lonely moments were my bread since the past 6 years. They could have come by to show me the way God judges His Beloveds. Had not sinned, I may have been spared, but it’s through my inconsistent mind, I gave in to every temptation that promised short-lived pleasures. Accounting my trespass, God judged by allowing time to stretch its hands & shorten my territory (friends, love & money to have fun, which was my only drive to dwell). I was alone, all alone without a soul to understand or shower any affection. Worst was when I bribed people to get attention. Flooded gifts to make some folks my best friends, spent most of what I earned on people, so that I may get some kindness n comfort in return. Of course I earned their lifetime friendship but deep inside emotionally I was not quenched. Their Bond was conditional subject to their availability. There were many times I questioned the very purpose of my existence with no soul to care. But in the recent month there has been supernatural positive re-assurance within my spirit.

Lately the happenings seem to be quite familiar to that when I was a fresh college nerd. Did I hear Yogi Peter Berra say “it like déjà Vu all over again” .
The sequence of friendly reunions; professional singing for an album; memory anchors; studying at leisure; crossroads of choosing between options; job search so on and so forth….History might repeat itself but over the span of 6 years, God has indeed taught me to respond positive to the challenges of life/time. Though at the present time am swarmed with friends there will be my responsibility to prioritize the worthy and practise being emotionally independent. Though there are many chores to be completed in a given 24 hours, but not a day will pass without quite times with Chirst and physical fitness regimes. For I have found a new reason to Live and the Reason is “am fearfully and wonderfully made”. I may be given another 50 years to join the Death, by then I will need to make the best from the Gift of Life bestowed by God himself. Failures or Success, end of it all only two things matter: Me and God.

Ezekiel 16 in one of my best favourite’s chapters that kept me from further sinning and reminded me of God’s presence in my downhill phase.

Happiness of God’s abundant blessings is just around the Corner of my life and the journal will stand as witness of his Mighty deeds.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Personnel Growth Strategy - A Corporate game by itself

“Where do you want to be five years from now?” A question so trivial, yet asked in every other interview panel. For me the bullet was triggered from my favorite South-Indian (Tamil :)) CEO with whom I hold my current employment with.

There are many sugar coated answers to that introspective question. But are today’s office goers truly aiming big and scheduling their mundane tasks in line with the set self- goals. Commercial world today is in desperate need of hiring intellects (not the complete package called human being but only brains) for their various needs of operations, administration, finance, Human resource, marketing … … …(blanks that always keep sprouting up). The organizational structure is laid out in place alongside with the hint manuscript of growth prospects for existing employees to shift roles. The only price tag “based on your performance”. In the process of better performing in the job at hand, the existing employee seldom probe the purpose of incentive proposed or comprehend the master brain of the complete mirage structure.

“Increase the revenues, cut down the cost” has been the survival mantra of families, organizations and incorporations. Corporate giants today are devising strategically to earn optimum returns with their current investments specifically their internal customers called employees. Increasing the company patriotism or promoting responsibilities or appraising the compensation by few thousands bucks or sacking a vegetate low performer; the bottom line spells retention of the best. In bribing illusions called prospects the board gets to enjoy the whole flock perform to its fullest speedily. To live up to the pledge, one best of the flock (best in view of the bosses and big bosses) gets a credit of promotion. A dream attained after quiet a lot of time.

So much time the passes by never to return that one really focuses of scaling up him qualifications to get ahead in his career. There has been debates between experience or education and yet another debate or support (operations) or revenue generation (sales).
A individual value chart is scaled how good he is educationally qualified and how much money can he bring into the company’s account.

There may be several success stories of school drop out turning corporate giants. But in today’s world can one imagine a 12th grade kid being your project manager? Some where street smart to take risks and make it to the levels of entrepreneurs, but to excel diplomatically there is a need to for formal higher education.
Taking about operations and sales, most of the CEO’s, CTO’s, CFO’s or even the MD have deep roots called sales (of course finance equally as well) on their profile called experience. Support’s growth scales-up like a tortoise (May it be that IT sect of tortoises get a luxurious hosting) but the real ministers are those revenue makers for the king called Managing Director.

Management studies have evolved so much of a theory in this era. But rarely one realizes these Values, morale, policies, structure, processes are all mirage, framed to attract more clients, generate greater profits and retain current resources (for it’s relatively costlier to buy a fresh brain). So next time someone asks you “where do you see five years from now?” it time you think seriously about your own strategy for success. The choice lies to pretend loyal, get mundane promotions and earn few thousands more or to get equipped to be an intrepreneur or entrepreneur. Again, Personnel Growth Strategy is a Corporate game to earn better profits.

As for me, five years from now I will be 30 and by then I will need to seriously work on scaling up to a level called Motherhood :) (obviously a lighter note)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

People, Power, Money - Warfeild & game of life

Technical Skills, Communication Skills, Business Skills, Negotiation Skills, so on and so forth, to add medals to the positivity a professional. But, there is yet one key skill that goes foremost from a small scale local business to billion dollars worldwide revenue makers. A skill that can take you to heights if used right or Keep me safe in a shell called current position, if not used at all. Some call it Influential Skills; Some call it Building Rapport; some call it Survival of Fittest; I refer the cold war as “Office Politics”. One may ignore it, react harshly back, observe passively or not be aware of anything at all, but “Organizational politics” is a grounded neo business Reality.

Jeffrey Pfeffer notes that Management is itself a political activity. Prof. Jean Hartley, Warwick Business School, 2006 says “For an organisation to achieve success in today’s complex environment, you cannot afford to turn a blind eye to the political dimension of your business or service”. Global managers found “navigating organisational politics” to be a key issue with 65% saying it was either difficult or very difficult.– Courtesy: web

Peeling off the first skin, I’m Encountered with the primary layer called “dirty Politics”. People here are seen as lower Cadre with strong technical skills. Not sure if for their lack of functional skills or gene stereotype, they opt to get to the top by glory-hogging their superiors, Gossiping, Back biting, deliberately lying and showing their own self as uniquely talented by putting down their co-peers. They praise to have their ideas accepted instead of others (trust me; these folks in real life are as weak as new born child for their base is just an empty ego). They are highly provocative and often personal.

“Others fall is their rise; they would sell their souls to get their prize: Dirty Politics”.

Dissecting further I’m thrilled with my new find called “competent Politics”. Tongue which is slow to talk (especially to commit a certain thing); eyes keen to observe (or scan the environment), after several keen observations a mind that forms unbiased perspective, judgements which are locked within the secret doors called Self, Customized behaviour to cater gauged mindsets so to give and get the best of what they want to make it to the top. People here are found in Middle and upper cadre, featured with strong Business Skills and powered with vigilant EGO. With leadership on his genes, he understands the rewards of win-win; by valuing his peers (at least pretending to) he prepares a regiment of faithful soldiers who can spine his battalion. He does not protrude his sting by striking his foe back immediately for it is short-lived (You beat me and give it back double-fold, as kiddie as it may sound). He is known as Positive leader with sky-scraping influential skills.

“He is determined of his Prize but is confidential and conscious in executing his strategy: Competent Politics”

Politically Competent people try to build positive relationships all around them (from low level office security/cleaner to high level bosses). Higher your reputation is, the more you are known for your influence. Organization politics is quiet time bound, today’s winner become tomorrow looser. But, one who is trusted and committed does better in the long run. With self-interest as the lowest priority (but yes as a priority), I’ve planned to focus more on what best I can give to integrate real value in others (both my boss – measured with revenue and peers – measured with genuine appreciation).

Play Politics the smart way; be known for your morals and ethics; influence your peers and see yourself mounted to heights.

Reminded of a Boost Energy Drink Ad tag "loosers will always have excuses and winner will always have the energy to beat them"

Live Consiously :)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Tidbid Thoughts

Thought 1: The more Philosophical a mind can think, the less practical or logical it is likely to be.

'Thought 1' re-phrased: Philosophy is temporary escape for the weak, who refuse to respond positively to an harsh reality.

A great philosopher is often quiet idiotic to further reason out or judge every said happening to be worthless. While the world is busy having fun and moving forward with economy, technology, inventions (etc..,), philosophers prefer keep their mind paralyzed by asking “why?” "how?" "what will be?"...Sounds more of irrational (rather stupid ) concept, that has ever been accepted by mankind as one of a significant branch of study.

Whew! What a Philosophical view about Philosophy :)

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Yesterday - Today's past & tomorrow’s memory

Dirt, pollution and dust loads over the crowded metro that is positioned beside the Bay of Bengal. Under the scorching heat of over 95 F the commuters drive between the first three gears, bearing in mind the swarming pedestrians, jammed traffic, racing cycles and rebellious auto-rickshaws. Fortunate was the black swift to find its free parking lot by the roadside huts in one such populated streets. Scorched by the sun it waits uncomplainingly, for it will soon meet the Bullet rider, the Leo, the prince of its possessor. “I’m caught in the traffic, will be there in 15 minutes” the sms delivers on her mobile, while she observes the poor from inside small sized car. The eye gazed around, but her brain traversed back to college days, where she first met this stranger in the Campus Cafeteria. The day when she was consciously aware of his fixed stare and how she pretended apathetic continuing to play engaged in the chat with her friends. When his eyes paused for break, she in silence would rope back, wanting to get a closer look of the square faced stranger. His height of about 5’7 made his fresh budding muscle packs and biceps magnetic; the skin looked dusky in the dark olive green round neck t-shirt and light blue jeans. “He looks so smart like a model” exclamied Adeline “who he? He’s been building a house in Mcfeilds for close to 6 years" (referring his arrears - the three year B,.Sc Course which he took close to about 6 years for him to complete) , mocked our jealous Senior. “And another thing, he is from Punjab!”, “Punjab?”, “yes, PUNJAB!”– My world paused. Smartness or attractiveness of a guy to me is first measured in how South Indianite he can be. He was the first guy who I was ever attracted to, He sparked the fire in me at his first sight, He introduced me to a body chemistry which was never felt before but all that was fading into the wind because he was from North. “hey, see there, it’s Leo” (name withheld for personal reasons), Adeline shouted again after 2 weeks, from near the cycle parking lot opposite to ladies lounge. He was in the same olive green - blue attire, standing near the science tap point looking at Adeline - wondering how she knew his name. “He is from Punjab but he is a nadar” confessed our senior for reasons we do not know. A Confession that made me and Adeline celebrate. Celebration for Adeline was a nadar and to me I always liked to a part their community since childhood. Following was something that we both as friends did not initially team up for, Eye exchanges. He walked around with his bald friend, I walked around with Adeline wanting to get a look at this nadar stranger who made us feel jiggy. Looks grew to be eye exchanges. Eye exchanges grew to an acquaintance (after over 1 1/2 year – this year made me and Adeline close enough to be good friends). Thanks to Perl who bought him over to the proceeding Tamil session. Adeline sat next to me all excited; I sat in fear, completely aware of his stare and my rising hormone chemistry, that may end me up flirting. “I have one more hour to go, can I meet you after the classes” my words were uttered in a bitter sweet mood. “You have to make your choice, its class or me” the confident firm words responded in a flirty tone. I made my choice and we ended up in the College library. Following day was a Saturday, a day were pupils were not supposed to be in college but I and Adeline rushed to meet our favorite nadar. He was waiting in the Zoology tank with a one Dairy Milk bar (little did he know that my friend would accompany my first date). Adeline sat next to him on the stone bench, I sat opposite playing with the match box of his Wills pack. “Don’t play with fire” came out the statement twice. A warning message about our flirting limits, set the players on the game field of courtship. The campus welcomed our arrival, stones over-heard our long conversations, breeze witnessed our silence, trees observed our passion. Silence was becoming more of a language of love and warmth was breaking out the fence into our souls. There was a new reason to rejoice my femininity but I stayed mute, so to have relationship healthy and unlimited as special Friends. Course term was ended and I entered into the world of vocation, not forgetting the sweetest experience life has ever bestowed on me through this Leo. Every vacation (when his mood seasons, of course), we would meet up but now in outer world, not just inside campus, for we are working young adults now. As a call center employee, I have come across handsome smart men who I was attracted to and some who liked to tie a knot with me but none till this day have made to a level of warmth, romance and silence that i cherished with the Leo. It was supposedly a game of Flirting but I truly appreciated his views, thoughts, aspirations, philosophy, mannerism, behavior and priorities. What really turned my romantic illusion into realistic love was his dad’s death. There lay his father Corpse before him and he in his toughest of times took heart to behave sane with solid morale, welcoming me and my now best friend Anita. Not wanting to break down he would blink several times, close his lips tight and take heart with a sigh - not one tear that fell but the heavy sorrowful heart trying it's best to be strong and see ahead, was evident. His mom captured our attention by just her motherly divine look (I love her to this day and wished I have one chance to sought her feet for blessings and kiss her over her forehead). My spirit died to be her daughter in law and my heart was craving to be my beloved’s wife. It was my First love. My first commitment. But little did I know I was going to invest all my emotions that would never be a relationship. So, it was. Never a relationship. Intimate, personal, friendly, caring but never a relationship. No matter how hard I desired, it would never be a relationship. Soulful connection but never a relationship! Blissful memories but never a relationship. Not friends; Not lovers and definitely not in a relationship. It is best to let God do the talking when it comes to personal relationships and so it was. Time has swift from 1999 to 2007 and this might be the last meeting or at least one of final meet-ups, I’ll have with him. He is 15 minutes late for the date and it would be another mall, theater or eat out, that will greet the couples in disguise. Strangers who will soon part and be good wishers for each other. May 1st 2008: All that remains now is my good will, special liking, memories and prayers for him and his mother. Time has indeed moved slowly but we are in completely different roads, heading as God destined. In the next few months, I might married off to another stranger (who will ofcourse be well informed about this Leo) and it would be as nothing ever happened atall. "The Show must go on; so will it". This may be too personal to key down but in my view My Dream journal would not be complete if I did not mention this most significant episode in my life.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Fools Rush!

It was my birthday eve and I was pretending to sleep. My eyes were closed but my senses were picking up clues of my husband waiting for our clock to strike 12 o clock. Surprise he wakes me up with a kiss “Happy Birthday, love. Look what I have got for you!” He turns me around towards the other side of the room where lay the Black forest with its candle lit to brighten up our souls. The laptop plays the wishes song and he claps to sing along. I cut the first piece out, doge it near his mouth and then eat it all myself. With lovable fury he avenges, with his piece over my face and there love starts to game. Minutes pass by, and we decide to hit the sack for I know it will be a long day tomorrow. While he takes a warm shower, I end cleaning the room. “It’s getting late for me; you need to come out fast” I shout at the sight of my clock ticking 1.00 am. “Well baby, it wouldn’t be late and we can save up also some water, if only…” am dragged all in!

Day breaks in and at serve of morning green tea, he tells about his plans to stay home. Trying to capitalize the best of this day, I think of the variety foods that can be served at the Kings royal table. Starting from soup, starters, main course and dessert I sketch out the groceries that were to be bought. While he watched “pirates of Caribbean” with the green tea running cold; I drive out to shop – still thinking what best could I do to make the day memorable. After close to two hours I step back into our palace to see him still watching another chapter of the Jack Sparrow. With sigh I start cleaning the meat and within no time he follows to slice down the vegetables. Somehow he always loves to help me out in the dishes and I let him be happy in doing what he does the best. Cooking together gets so much of a fun than a chore by itself. Every dish gets its unique ingredient of love; the flavor of happiness; the taste of romance…A bright scorching ray of sunlight!!!

The messy bedroom screen is pulled out by my maid and there I woke up laughing my dream away.….

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

New entrant to Bloggers world

Am all excited and happy for my Best Friend has decided to pen down her thoughts through Blogspot. Sometimes, texts speak sharper than a spoken word. Let’s the recipient feel the written emotions, as it intended by its sender.

World wide web here comes, "A trip - From the heart"- an untold story of the imprisoned writer and philosopher. Poke in at

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Born to shame the ordinary?

He Was born Prematurely
He survived, when his twin sister expired
He is mentally Challenged
He is Blind
He is a Musical Genius
He is Derek Paravicini
Born to Ms. Mary Ann Hanbury, Derk lived in Redhill College for the Blind, where he did not discern or know even to cloth or feed himself. Now at the age of 26 years, he has an I.Q of a 4 year old. But something that made him extraordinarily Unique was his brain. With His ability of hearing, processing, and creating music, he can tell apart every note of the chord and play it back. Yahoo calls him the “Living ipod” . University of Cambridge observes "Most highly-trained musicians would not be able to do this. They might recognize the top note and the bottom note." His love for music and heavenly gift to replay the thousands of songs (after hearing them just once or twice), continues to thrill his audience via concerts. – (Courtesy: web)

Helen Keller although deaf/ dumb, was an author who campaigned for Women suffering, Worker rights and socialism. Steven Hawking, paralyzed in his wheel chair gave us Theories on quantum Gravity and cosmology. Loyld Bachrach disabled since birth, triumphantly went to win 25 gold, 27 silver, and 20 bronze medals in various competitions. Anne Frank, while still in childhood Surviving the war of Nazis, wrote a Diray which later became one of the world's mostly read books.

Majority of us in the present century, with all the gifts of technology, science and education, have settled jobs that will provide just for the living. Daring not to venture man’s innate potentials, I choose to live at ease within the comfort zone of my family, my job and my friends. In fearing the misfortune, I choose to curtail the risk by choosing to stay with my fixed monthly pay check. May be there is a need for me, a physically and mentally fit creation, to draw inspiration from my disabled fellows, who have mounted to the peaks using the limited resources that was available to them.

Reminds me someone who with His Absurd decisions, Thoughts and Talks, introduced me to the world of Leaders/Philosophy. At the age of 31 while is friends choose to settle for wife, kids and a 5 digit salary (mundane problems), he choose to invest a major sum of whatever he earned to pursue management studies in one of India’s top Business Schools. Easily said than done, I salute to the spirit this risk taker who seems to be quiet determined in realizing his entrepreneurial dreams over his personal life.

Sky is the limit when we with six senses dare to dream BIG. With passion and focus to fuel, Man can attain the unfeasible. For it isn’t about winning but the spirit of trying that matters. "trying" when replicated, will soon translate to SUCCESS.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Tidbit Thoughts

I think someone is dear; time shows me they are not
I think some are meant to be hated; time shows me they are not
I think someone is my friend; time shows me they are not
I think someone is my enemy; time shows me they are not
I think someone is good; time shows me they are not
I think someone is bad; time shows me they are not

Now, is it others fault or time’s lessons? It could not be either but mine.
My Fault, for I’m not balancing my emotions, prejudices and judgment scales between the weights of good and bad!!!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Prayer that seemed like a monologue

It's Easter of 2008, Another year where a group Tamil Christians, living locally nearby, flocked to attend the 4.00 am worship. In the best of their colourful pattu Sarees, jasmine hair-do's and grandest of authentic gold jewels (and of course accompanied by their humble husbands and bubbly kids) i see families walking in with a big black covered holy book. With their heads downs and eyes 360 angle up, they seat themselves comfortably inside the place whose ceilings and windows was decorated with colourful glitter papers and jasmine flowers. Pastor's Easter message which was loud enough to hit the streets was seeming to lose it's probability of hitting the minds of his audience.

For me it was another day at the church where i sought My God, at His alter. A place where my soul made supplications with faith. Years have gone by, so seemed the unanswered prayers to My God at this church. A ruined filthy living space called home, waiting for so called God's Promises, Family's Financial crunch and Dumps, feckless mother who lives her spiritual instincts, my need to be loved, nothing seemed to have changed in years. It was as though prayers was for the weak, who are waiting for things to happen than making them happen. Faith was for the fools who do not trust their own potentials. God was a figure-head that generations imagined for deep intimate companionship (especially in downs). My laments on this day of HIS Resurrection at HIS alter dissolved yet again in HIS love. In HIS glory He yet again descended, to show that HE is there. With tear flooded eyes, a anxious heart (and running nose) i repeated my supplications with residual hope in HIS Glorious Alter. For what seems like a Monologue, Will one day be Answered in HIS time.

Easters, Good-Fridays, Christmas's and New year repeats itself, so will my prayers be...

Monday, March 17, 2008

A mail that revived the ME in me

Following mail was received from someone who has been buddy since high school. Was received in one of inferior weak moments where I felt embarrassed to speak out my thoughts. Here it is, saved without any editing or deletions,

Confidence, the lack of it! that’s what you and I face while talking to people. When we are confident whatever we do becomes a second nature. Well, the question here is how to get confidence? This can be answered (at least from my perspective) from outside in; by answering the question when or how I don’t have confidence. Invariably, the answer is when i fear something or fear embarrassment - the fear of what people are thinking about me? The moment i forget what people are thinking about me, my concentration is fully devoted to what I am doing or saying to people around me.

So logically; removing the thought of what people are thinking about me, to free up my mind to concentrate on what I am doing would yield better result. Yeah....this cannot be done overnight. it needs practice.

For some people it works differently. Some people are more confident when they know that people around them know very little compared to them. In that case, try to assume people around you are stupid (audience are naked!!!! he eh eh he he!!).

I am not a pro, but in the same learning boat as you are! So lets work together on this confidence building and make people run around naked!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Lucid Dreamer ~

"your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams" - Bible

"I've travelled to places I've never been before, have related with my dear ones in a way I've never did in physical sense, rewinded to live back my school days, re-written the exams with a fear of failure, been embarrassed of the sudden realization of my partial bareness in public, been chased by an attacker who intendeds to hurt me , last and the best FLEW many times over lands, snow mountains and Islands without any wings". Few of these scenes could have been staged in your Fourth REM stage of sleep too...

In my Dream Factory called Mind, Rules do not Apply. They often freely let me experience my wishes at sub-conscious level, mirror my current physcological stand and sometimes even serve as message from God. I was once interpreted that Flying when dreaming could mean that in the real world one has risen above something or gained a different perspective on things or simply point personal sense of power.

Privileged of being spiritualistic, i have gained access of interpreting God's messages through dreams. In one such episode was I standing in porch talking with the woman who brought me forth into this world. Her efforts to warn me about Christ's Second Coming fail, as I deliberately counter her with the logical proofs and those many hundred years that Christians have wasted away in their foolishness. In this modern day scientific-technological world, it seem pretty unrealistic for me to believe in rapture or 1000 years of suffering. While i was still talking, we saw the sky suddenly tear open and Christ descending from the clouds. My mom least bothered about me, runs towards him with all her love. I stood deeply saddened of being left over and then wait in line to take a mark on my right hand. Even at this very moment, my pulses raise as i ponder over this warning that was once communicated through dreams.

Dreams often reveals the mysterious hidden in my real world. Encompasses me in a Direction that I'm destined to live, warns me beforehand of the misfortunes and on the lighter side helps me reign as a happy princess in my wonderland :)

Monday, March 3, 2008

Sole warrior in an armed battlefield

Talk about single women, screenshots of the attractive brighter side like that of “sex and the city” characters pass through my mind. Women who have an era to celebrate their life on and yet cherish their own personal time. Independent, individualistic, courageous, self motivated may be few of sugar coated traits that would define those single princesses. But as illusory as it may seem in retrospect, within every strong hearted single princess is a weakling waiting desperately to be rescued by her knight (borrowed from SATC, again).

Uncommitted life comes with its own anxieties of single handedly managing all life chores. From handling her own finances to defending herself for her cause in this male chauvinistic society, she constantly fights to makes her survival secure. In pretending to be positive, I see her stacking up diminutive doses of stress and depression to her biological system. Topping it all up, the lack the intimate emotional support that marriage could offer (and which no friend can ever offer) makes her physiological health proportional to amount of self-motivation shots injected into her mind.

In all this, I recognize these vulnerable loners playing a role of that of a MAN, combating to prove her existence to herself. Science has indeed proved to us that stress level increases the level testosterone hormones in our immune system. In being single she breaks out of the gender laws layed by nature only to be disappointed. My Bible says "It is not good for man to be alone" but to me “It is highly dangerous for a women to be single”. For her feminine beauty is only revealed through congenial lovable presence of her Man.

My message? Life’s greatest happiness and satisfaction lies in God made communion called Marriage/ Family* Conditions Apply :)

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Morality Of Prayers

A recent conversation with a friend sparked my thought process about the virtue of our prayers. Foremost focus of modern day prayers bases itself on personal and best interests of ourselves. May it be expressing our fears, Supplicating for our loved ones or wanting God to Grant our desires or wishes? Again, Asking God to Grant our Desires and wishes.
In the past I’ve made several repeated requests to the All-knowing, all powerful immortal God to help me join in marital commitment with my then loved one. I sought God at his Alter almost everyday of a specified year only for my supplication to be turned down. “Some of God’s greatest Gifts are unanswered prayers” and all thanks to God for turning me down.

But, how could I ever make the all powerful, all knowing, immortal God to help me in my romance? If the prayer worked, is it not a form of a spell or black magic that was cast over another being? When there are real time needs or social injustice, discrimination, hunger and wars, how could my prayers be self centered always whirling about me and my world? I can never be humiliated any worse!

Commenting on romance I choose to quote from Mr. Choelo’s blog “ if two souls truly long and are meant to be together the entire universe will conspire to get you what you want, beyond all doubt- and as i believe, the creator of the universe and all its virtues is God” . Can’t wait to read to read Brida ;)

Authenticating God?

Despite the diversity of races, skin colors, social status, tribes there is one thing that people all over the globe have collectively practiced “their faith towards GOD”. Weighing the alternatives of being an atheist or scientologist or a pious devotee to a chosen God, we see the major lot choosing embrace the unseen Supreme Being. “What is it that is innate in human nature to believe in God, whether it is gods or something superhuman or supernatural?". Time and again we have witnessed debates by philosophers, theologians and Scientists about the existence of this Supreme Being. University of Oxford researchers have already allocated budgets for nearly $4 million to study why mankind embraces God.

Being a die hard devotee of Christ myself, I’ve felt immense Glory of God, almost every time I sought out to Him. Amusingly in some instances I’ve also been able to discern the presence of evil or good spirits ruling over a particular person or place. There are no scientific or logical evidences that can back up my discerning. But in spiritual realm exists the facts that can neither be reasoned or scientifically demonstrated. Rephrasing sternly “It can never ever be proved until he chooses to reveal himself”. Good luck to my Oxford Friends!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Tailored Marriages!

The very thought of arranged marriage is something which I have often dreaded since my college times. Indian customs (especially of the south) are so much in favor of them, that they seldom see this Social Business transaction as a medium of trading girls. The to-be couples are not weighed for any of their inner traits but their status, caste, education, Good –conduct (labeled by the society) and assets. With the majority Hindu’s, it also strongly boils down to their unseen astral match. Crowds flood over to matrimonial bureaus in a desperate want to surrender their lives to a stranger (who of course meets the hunter’s minimum eligible criteria). After several rejections and considerations the seeker accepts a mate who will serve the greater good of his/her family and society.

The whole workflow seems to me, as if it were more like a “Rule Book” for the society by their hypocritical members. WE DON’T CHOOSE the feelings while building Relationships, especially of that of a soul mate. The feelings choose us and we are constantly moving in position with our true desires and purpose.

Most of my friends who have an arranged marriage indeed are staying together than against those separated couples who tied a knot in Love. But a question arises if these arranged couples are holding themselves together for sake their society that glued them. Remember, I live community where society comments outweighs ones own personal happiness or individuality. Carrying their monotonous life, I see no love or romance fuelling their marriage. Lacking essence they robotically invest time in saving a relationship that is neither happy nor soul-filling. It's better for anyone to live alone than to serve someone lifetime without love.

To appropriately summarize “Love cannot be Made; Love just happens”

Statutory warning: You live only once. Don’t let an unworthy unreceptive person get to have/share the special YOU.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

February 14th !

A day named after two early Christian Martyrs. A day where lovers celebrate their ecstatic communion. A day where fancy retailers globally, craft their surplus earnings. A day devoted to Fertility and Love. St. Valentine’s Day!

Have been helping my two best friends purchase deals online. As they give out their credit details, I could see their eyes already seeing ahead. Noticing the curvy edge on their lips, one could evidently witness their minds re-playing the same scene of their partner's expressions when receiving those surprise flowers and cards. Is there any other gladness that can substitute the delight of being in love? Is there any other creation that can be as splendid as the experiencing love? Lucky and contended is a Man who is hit by cupid’s gracious arrows.
A blessed spell that bestows on him A life’s Best Friend!
A partner who he could rejoice and celebrate for a lifetime.
A empathic caretaker who he can count on his downhill phase
A lover who likes him for who he is (and not what he has)
A Soul mate in whose intimacy he can find real essence of his being!

And so May be God accurately concluded “it is not good for a man to be Alone” :)

Friday, February 8, 2008

How helpful are Self-Help resources?

“He out there, in walking out all charged, from a session that he just heard on “overcoming failure and achieving the success”. In his emotional high, he walks speedily as if his life is all about to change forever good. His cubical / room walls hold posters and words that re-kindle the drive to excel. His collections include tapes/ books from worldwide authors, whose prelude summarizes what they will experience and be after they read through the book. Looking at himself in the mirror he chants positive statements, hoping for results that his unconscious metaphysical mind would give forth.”

May be you have come across this person yourself. He is out there ever depending on the external to achieve the superlative internal potentials. In perusing for the Best he is slowly succumbed to a delusion that he will soon to be addicted to.

Are these self-help resources really helpful? If “yes” why does is the enthusiasm brief and leaves the entity in a possessed or rather vegetate mindset. If “No” why are there so many fools (harsh but can’t find a better word to describe their ignorance) who let their souls be invaded by unrealistic words of illusion.

Growth Begins from within. Physical, mental, Spiritual, social, personal, financial growth requires “PRATICAL, REAL-TIME” efforts. Note the Bolds “PRATICAL, REAL-TIME ” efforts.

To illustrate better, when trying to work-out (be it even just be a brisk walk) for close to 40 minutes everyday, one may visibly notice a paradigm shift in the emotional/physical health. The happy hormones (endorphins) boost positive emotions; HDL nurtures the healthy blood flow for the physical organs. For better mental growth one may try or learn a new art or language to discover the talents that one previously did not realize. For better Financial growth one may play with MONEY (invest & Re-invest the dividends) than to just wait on single paycheck every month. For good relationships, instead of being in a conservative shell (our friends) one may try to get aquatinted and build bonds with strangers.

If I were to list out the world would not contain. But on the crust, in my view “a person cannot blindly accept and follow a set of principles that worked for someone else. Everyone is unique. Only real-time pragmatic disciplined actions will empower a being to live life king size”

“If you really want to help yourself, pursue your dreams with a focus and commitment. Let your intelligence/ brain power fuel your passion. Results will amaze you!”

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Another day for him in Paradise?

He lies there sleeping peacefully on the podium, commuter stations, sidewalks…In his filthy grayish rags he is usually found lying comfortably on his back. Resting his head over a rectangular carry bag, he closes his eyes and deafens his ears to the deafening noise around him. Sometimes he makes his living picking up the trash of the civilized and selling them over for few bucks. Otherwise, he’s found roaming around wittingly as if he were mocking the citizens who are busy ever running behind something. Not bothering much, he reluctantly watches those thousands who pass by him. Thousands! who have no minute to stand by or give him soothing word or a reassuring smile. Reaching the heights of wanting companionship, the poor homeless starts making friends with his inner self- talking, laughing and expressing state of affairs to the beings of his virtually invisible world. Living blissfully in his beautiful mind. Schizophrenia as he can be termed but at least he refuses to wear a mask. Passing everyday in his wonderland he only waits for a day to be released from his mortal body. To become one with the celestials that he was dreaming about. The helpless deprived person who is called The Vagabond!

Is there any redemption for these vagrants, at all? will they ever live in comforts of the cultured?

imperfectly perfect world!!!

Like any other soul i asked God “why is the world in the shape it’s in?

And God answered through Neale Donad walsch- In Absolute there is no experience, only knowing.

Knowing is a divine state, yet the grandest joy is being, Being is achieved only after experience. The evolutions is this, Knowing, Experiencing , being – the holy triune that is GOD. Most people believe if they HAVE a thing (love or even money), they can DO a thing (marriage or buying assets) and they can BE a thing (happy, content, secure, in love). But by nature’s law havingness does not produce beingness but its Beingness that produces happiness. First Be and then the karmic wheel will make you HAVE.

Reminds me of the old saying "if you want to be happy; BE" :)

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Ruling over Rules!

Unusual as it may seem, offlate my hands are trying to mix and match cosmetics in different expanse than to which it was produced for. Lip crayons/pencils now lines my eyes (which otherwise was just lined black), body tattoo crayons now enhance my liners with their glitters, wax lip sticks have replaced my shadows, bracelets now serve as anklets,….and the outcome? Uniquely splendid matching the different colors of my attire.

May be there is another aspect of viewing the scenario. Most often, we the people live by the rules of the given community. As if there was a traditionally unwritten “Life rule book” that describes the traits of a supposedly good human. In following them (in most cases “pretending to”) , they often fail to master the sprit behind which those rules where laid. Humiliation spills over when these rules are laid down in the name of God/religion so that it may be hurriedly accepted by the innocently pious lot.

We have a choice to be either good or bad. Not that I like inhabitants to be bad and then make a choice to be good. But when we explore the bad we gain real insights and power of being good. Experiencing good! Choosing to be good rather than Made to be good!. "part of growing up" so they call :)

“Everything is permissible for me; but nothing is beneficial”. All that matters is to please the unseen God, NOT the world we see. I pass through this earth once and I want to wholly experience every phase of the karmic wheel. Not live by the Rules but rule over those rules with manuscript called experience.

Happenings will continue to happen! Let the journey go on….

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Said the Forbidden word !!!!

As my fingers come in forceful contact with the different square-shaped keys of this leased Thinkpad, I feel my heart pumping all it’s blood into my veins. My pluses are raised and I’ve never felt this ashamed in all my life.

Today was yet another workday and habitually as it was, few of the staffs gather around our grayish cream cubicle that accommodated four talents. Practicing the passive Custom, we started from taking about the clients, placements only to steadily swing into the heart of matter - assumptions, concepts, practices and THE PEOPLE of the organization. ‘Who is not right’, ‘who is bad’, ‘who is a poor performer’, ‘who is who's’ all the negatively presumed personalities walk the ramp of our forum. While on the chat about poor performers one of my India office colleague typically takes the center stage, as if he were a synonym of slow moving, low-achiever. In my belief, a rider is not worthy of any praise if he’s on a vigorous swift horse. Tribute awaits the one who has taken the challenge of making weakest and slowest breed win its toughest race on the course. I throw this comment to the audience only to re-confirm their impression “I’m backing up people who are too immature and unfit for any organization”.

“This is ok’nga….. aanna But these people leave their house, stray like dogs and then one day when they feel like returning appram come back home and andha company too accepts them” a sudden voice with it’s poorly structured sentence, emerged from straight opposite my seat. This was to mockingly remind my employment history to other staffs. Supplementary Arrows are hit over my sincerity from my own team member who we had averted for “personally professional” reasons. His words accomplished its purpose thereby provoking my temper. I use the most forbidden four-letter word which for OSHO is the most important word in the English language.

I uttered it not to warn him, nor did I utter it to hurt him (though in the literal sense he waiting for an opportunity physically assault me), I did not utter the word make him scared, but I uttered it caused I lost my Cool. I uttered the forbidden word amidst a group of folks, who are now watching for the bulls to charge in full splendor against each other. I silently turn myself back to face my system and pretend working. This was verbal exchange that I did not anticipate, at least before eyes that were detecting for more. With a heavy heart I leave for my motel, feeling ashamed for having produced a fruit, which is not acceptable in my God’s sight.

Actions speak and mine just did! A forbidden word! A forbidden thing!

Sigh relief after praying for forgiveness. I proclaim to all the cells within me “I will constantly work towards being better than to my former self” (inspired from Robin S Sharma) and “I will not use that forbidden word again”. All in a day’s work and this was just a bad one. I wait for the sun to unveil herself tomorrow, for I have planned to request his pardon, before this same crowd that is hosting a farewell lunch for me. I know I would be attacked with an unpleasant response, but at least for the sake of my God and conscience, I will need to let myself be embarrassed again!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Worth index by their FaceValue ?

Action: (tuuk)

And there one morning, when sun lifted its veil across the shores, I saw an angel walk over the brown carpet my mother nature had spread for her. Her face was innocent like a Dove; her eyes reflected a twinkling shine that would beat the stars. While her mind was occupied with what those two white wires produced in her ears, I felt the silent arrows of the cupid rip through me. I jog ahead of her and my breaks of intelligence fails. I give into my instincts and get a second closer look at this divine sign that now symbolizes an embodiment of love, peace and purity. By mere coincidence (which I don’t wish it to be), she saw me looking at her and there my world paused. I was thunderstruck.

This is an scène that every individual would have viewed a million times on reel and real life. Am not here to talk about love but what induces men to love?
Did I, as a kid hear of this Proverb “beauty is only skin deep”. Was this hypothetical liner or is it a theory that was tested in real-time world.

These are the days, where an average mediocre gal to fashionably trendy ladies to culturally modish madams exert most of their strength in making/keeping themselves beautiful. Fortunate are the business minds who just exactly know what a women want. Under Their International banner by offering assorted range of Chemical bleaches, facial masks, rainbow colored shadows/sticks/polishes, naturalistic Aloe Vera/cucumber/lemon, to the latest entrant Bare Mineral make up, they found a mine that will never run out of gold.

Coming back, all geared up ('Natural' in her statement though :)) our lady walks out and gets caught in eyes of one of the Martian. Now does this Martian look into her unfading beauty of Character, commitment and faithfulness or is he struck by her Innocent beauty, personality and affirmative posture? Traits like Character, commitment and faithfulness cannot be visible to naked eye. So in my dogmatic view, the above proverb is a hypothesis. Men conceive the idea of being struck by a cupid only by a Venusian’s face value. It is impossible for a modern day Martian to love someone who he does not psychologically perceive as beautiful.

In a given exception the proverb would be a factual. The body chemistry should be nurtured to the level friendship in the timeless space of time. In this way the initial magnetic attraction (that has a possibility of repelling) will grow strong roots of attachment which has the power to last even after death. As I always say, “love is never blind – Lust is” “love is pure. Love is serene. Love is everlasting”

Action: (tuuk)

And they happily lived ever after
Lights off
Pack home :)

Monday, January 14, 2008

Creditable Voyage

In the darkness of the night while silence fills Homestead (my Motel), I slide the flower-designed curtains in my queen-sized single room to view this city to which soon I would soon bid adieu. Northwestern highway never seems be tried of letting those hi-tech Detroit cars pass on her skin all through the year. Never have I seen her resting and hardly would she have people walk on her, expect for foreigners like me who have no wagons during their short expedition. The sky is blank with no stars to decorate her and may be moon abandoned the sky in jealously of the city lights that was lit all through the night. The flurries (Snow) falls like the drizzle that when glanced from underneath the lamppost, it’s like showers of tiny white droplets of blessing poured on mother earth.

This was a trip I had been postponing from the year 2005 and May be I was destined to fly to this so-called “land of Opportunities” through This Employer Technosoft. While many people think they realize their dreams when making it to this land, I was filled with mixed feelers, of heavenly joy and doubt when I received my B1 Oct 18th 2007. Heavenly joy for God having a purpose in my trip, which I never wanted to make, and a doubt of how I would find his purpose and achieve it. I was scheduled to leave on 29th of the same month and while the days were nearing I waited clueless of the trip that looked only gloomy. Like a vagabond I aimlessly boarded the flight pondering on my disheartening past, laughing at the orphan plight to setoff in the path of fate/time (which to me is God's will) and praying for God to bless me with a better tomorrow. Cynical as it may sound but in return, I was to obey HIS will and let myself to be a medium to reflect HIS Love.

After two transits in Brussels and Newark I stepped on the land, which seemed like an urbane desert. Tall buildings, well planned roads, City lights, hottest Cars but no people around. Struck with disgust I continued doing what I did the best. Adapt to the environment and get used to the change. Days passed like every other working day and whenever job permitted me I was on a short vacation. From the underground metro trains of Penn station, NJ to metropolitan that accepted diverse people of dissimilar skin colors, from hi-fashioned people with not so happy faces to the couples who were drunk in love cuddling each other with their starry eyes, from the crowded Broadway Of NYC to the cruise ships that sail to liberty statue, from the terrains of Binghamton to the fall colors of MD, from the view of windy Chicago Land from 113th floor of Sears tower to looking at real mummies in the Field museum, I was offered more than best that any thirsty traveler with mediocre funds could have.

Here I’m back in the room that sheltered me for 3 months. In another four days I would be inside the automated bird that will fly me back to my homeland. I never wanted to come to US or ever wanted to become career oriented. Only wanted to be committed in love and have lifetime fun with the notion of "my guy". To live a life the way my biblical mothers Sarah and Ruth did. To get married, have two kids, to serve my husband, mother-in-law…. But life pushes us to take the road we least wish to take. I have neither have found out the HIS purpose or achieved HIS will in all these days. May be it that GOD wanted to give his child a break from the lonely life she had been leading. May be it that God wanted his child to learn that life doesn’t end when she doesn’t feel loved. May be God wanted his child to know that there are millions of Americans amid their luxuries spend their lifetime as a loner all depressed. May be God wanted his Child to feel that all she needs is HIS love and in HIS time he will give her a family that she had been longing for. May be till then she has to wait patiently on him and be persistent in hoping on HIS LOVE.
“Lord, I thank you for this journey that you have enabled your daughter to take. For you have always blessed me with the finest of fruits and filled me with your glorious presence all through. Though for now it seems like I have not found my soul’s content, I choose to wait for this period of grief to pass by. Soon in your appointed time I will see sunshine and there will me no more tear. Fill thy daughter with thy love, wisdom and grace for that is all that I will ever need. You are all that I need, God”

My post would not be complete if I did not mention about my friend whose silent presence filled my everyday with contentment. If it were not for that green dot on gchat, I don’t think I would have the ever initiated this optimistic perspective that I now have towards life.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Life Goes on

"Life is like a novel. It's filled with suspense. You have no idea what's going to happen until you turn the page. Every day is a different page and they can be full of surprise".
This oracle of Sidney Shelton provoked my thought process and there I was on my wings of imagination taking flight into the ocean of Philosophy. Thanks to my newly acquainted friend, who recently posted this over her blogspot.

Each day is a gift and thus so aptly called as the “Present”. The responsibility lies on us to unravel the miracles each day holds. Though in this pragmatic world where we are forced to follow a monotonous schedule, I believe we have a choice feed our souls with essence of our true being. I’ve always found enormous self-realization when being in complete commune with nature. While listening to the silent whispers of the each wave throwing itself on the shore only to die and be dissolved back again into the ocean. May be like these waves, we beings are destined to die and unite with the heavenly forces one day. But while we are still on this journey called life let’s make each day eventful. Lets make a difference in the lives of people around us. Bring a smile on a face of someone who is deprived of his basic needs. Quench our soul’s emptiness with the His Heavenly love.

Life to me is a journey and having traveled through its first twenty-five years, I’ve only realized that ‘it goes on’. Future is very uncertain and it’s never wise to change our present, mapping it to what we think would be our tomorrow. It is like boarding a ship, which has no anchor. If bad winds had to strike, we would be caught up right in the middle of the sea, not able to land on either sides of shore. When life throws a little unexpected curve, lets train our spirits to be resilient. The wise man builds his house on the rock called present, while a foolish man would build castles on virtually unrealistic future.

It’s so apt to end the post with her statement “I don't know what my future holds, but I know who holds my future...”