Thursday, May 15, 2008

People, Power, Money - Warfeild & game of life

Technical Skills, Communication Skills, Business Skills, Negotiation Skills, so on and so forth, to add medals to the positivity a professional. But, there is yet one key skill that goes foremost from a small scale local business to billion dollars worldwide revenue makers. A skill that can take you to heights if used right or Keep me safe in a shell called current position, if not used at all. Some call it Influential Skills; Some call it Building Rapport; some call it Survival of Fittest; I refer the cold war as “Office Politics”. One may ignore it, react harshly back, observe passively or not be aware of anything at all, but “Organizational politics” is a grounded neo business Reality.

Jeffrey Pfeffer notes that Management is itself a political activity. Prof. Jean Hartley, Warwick Business School, 2006 says “For an organisation to achieve success in today’s complex environment, you cannot afford to turn a blind eye to the political dimension of your business or service”. Global managers found “navigating organisational politics” to be a key issue with 65% saying it was either difficult or very difficult.– Courtesy: web

Peeling off the first skin, I’m Encountered with the primary layer called “dirty Politics”. People here are seen as lower Cadre with strong technical skills. Not sure if for their lack of functional skills or gene stereotype, they opt to get to the top by glory-hogging their superiors, Gossiping, Back biting, deliberately lying and showing their own self as uniquely talented by putting down their co-peers. They praise to have their ideas accepted instead of others (trust me; these folks in real life are as weak as new born child for their base is just an empty ego). They are highly provocative and often personal.

“Others fall is their rise; they would sell their souls to get their prize: Dirty Politics”.

Dissecting further I’m thrilled with my new find called “competent Politics”. Tongue which is slow to talk (especially to commit a certain thing); eyes keen to observe (or scan the environment), after several keen observations a mind that forms unbiased perspective, judgements which are locked within the secret doors called Self, Customized behaviour to cater gauged mindsets so to give and get the best of what they want to make it to the top. People here are found in Middle and upper cadre, featured with strong Business Skills and powered with vigilant EGO. With leadership on his genes, he understands the rewards of win-win; by valuing his peers (at least pretending to) he prepares a regiment of faithful soldiers who can spine his battalion. He does not protrude his sting by striking his foe back immediately for it is short-lived (You beat me and give it back double-fold, as kiddie as it may sound). He is known as Positive leader with sky-scraping influential skills.

“He is determined of his Prize but is confidential and conscious in executing his strategy: Competent Politics”

Politically Competent people try to build positive relationships all around them (from low level office security/cleaner to high level bosses). Higher your reputation is, the more you are known for your influence. Organization politics is quiet time bound, today’s winner become tomorrow looser. But, one who is trusted and committed does better in the long run. With self-interest as the lowest priority (but yes as a priority), I’ve planned to focus more on what best I can give to integrate real value in others (both my boss – measured with revenue and peers – measured with genuine appreciation).

Play Politics the smart way; be known for your morals and ethics; influence your peers and see yourself mounted to heights.

Reminded of a Boost Energy Drink Ad tag "loosers will always have excuses and winner will always have the energy to beat them"

Live Consiously :)

1 comment:

Kingsly said...

"showing their own self as uniquely talented by putting down their co-peers"

This does happen.

But for a Christ follower the basic rule is "the way you treat others is the way you treat Jesus.

But at times this may not give you power, popularity and prosperity....