Monday, May 4, 2015

Geo-Database Creation (Personal)


To create a Personal Geo-database, Feature dataset and feature class for the chosen spatial Entities.


Step 1: Map Input
Identify the point, line and Polygon Feature classes, created using previous digitization Exercises.

Step 2: Map Processing
·          In ArcCatalog, create a Personal Geodatabase in the target location, by right-click -> Personal Geodatabase. Customize a name for the database.
·         Right click the Geo-database created above and create a new feature dataset, by right-click -> Feature dataset.
·         Import the identified Feature Classes into feature dataset, by Right-Click ->  Import -> Feature Class (Multiple)

Step 3: Map Display
Export a Print Screen to Jpeg format


Personal Geo-database, Feature dataset and feature class for the chosen spatial Entities is generated using ArcGis 10.1.  

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