- Boiled Potatoes (2-3)
- Butter (3-4 tsp)
- Grated Garlic (5-6 Cloves)
- Milk (1/2 cup)
- Fresh Cream (6 tsp)
- Seasoning: Thyme, Oregano, Pepper, Salt
You have now grounded into the metaphysical world of a dreamer. Get ready to raft through the heavy currents called “My thoughts”. Travel back in time to see episodes called "my past". Plunge into the deepest trench called “my philosophy” . Take wings to fly high into the 7th Sky called ‘my spirituality'. Welcome to Evelyn's Dream Factory!
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Mashed Potato in Creamy Pasta Sauce, Laced with Cream
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Data Analytics - Challenges with Data Collection in Indian IT Sector
The side of the coin is IT/ITES Firms that uses BI Systems and tools for Analytics, to perform statistical procedures on a data that is flawed. I find Data Gathering or Data Collection to be very challenging in both Corporate Functions and in Govt. run Services. Companies proudly flaunt about jazzy words of statistics and Analytics, but on a data that is completely unstructured, erroneous and incomplete. Well there is always trace of larger details, like Finance, current/history of new hires, attrition, On-rolls, salary, Vendor pay-out/management, Cost/profit analysis…. How on earth can data effectively milked, if base collation from various processes is not accurate…Lot of companies also boast of going fully automated, with ERP/CRM/,… but on the floor, in everyday operational level, I find it quite surprising, how Executives to Managers of PMO Team play around with Excel Sheets. MS Excel is a great tool for simple Analytics, but never for recording and collecting data or process details whirling around transactions of over Lakhs,….
Another prank, which High-level C-executives give into is the “Six Sigma” Actors,… With a Black or Green Belt to their hat of fame, I’ve witnessed, how Indian IT Majors, linger and hope on promise of automation, normalization of process and other sugar coated words of Six Sigma Revolutionists,…. The folks usually join as Managers and enable the ops. to build "elementary" web based Applications, that can collect data in way of forms, and execute 10-20 base structured queries, which can operate of data collected partially through forms and give trend analysis. Irony, as it may sound, these six sigma folks, have just knowledge of Six Sigma, and generalize it’s methods to almost all operations,…. A Dubba Wala’s method to NASA’S Operations is their claim to Generalization…. While I do not fully disagree, in my perspective, Data, Process and Systems across operations cannot be Entirely Generalized. The nuances differ with each trade, and six sigma is only limited to “Quality of Operations” and never actual “Process Reforms or Process Standardization or Even Process Enhancements (Yes, Lean!!). For effective tweaking of Processes one needs Functional Knowledge unique to the Process that is to be tweaked and Domain expertise. Not just Articulation skills, of Yield Though Output, Outliers, Lean Methodology or sigma Ratings.
To live upto to “State of Art Business House” is not just the larger numbers of Financial Statements, but Wholesome Data for systems to integrate all processes, so that the finer, granular details are also captured. Employees are just but users who execute the processes defined on ERP/CRM Systems..
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Earth, Sky and Beyond,….
· One day in Moon is equal to two earth weeks! One rotation on Sun is equal to 25 Earth Days!! Time has different relevance in different dimension/space. This could be a base to my Christian Belief “Lord’s, One day is equal to thousand years and thousand years is equal to one day”.
· Asteroids "Could be" Planet fragment's left over from previous Proto-planets,.....
So much points are racing through my mind, to write down how geography and space amazes me!!! It's a sudden realization to actually see everything created around us and wonder "How Beautiful are your Works, Oh Lord"....
Also realize that Geography is no longer an Arts subject that can be tagged along with History or Literature,.... In my understanding of the subject content and applications, there is more to leverage,.... Be it Research, Civil Life, Defense Ops or disaster management, Geography and Space based solutions is the most reliable and best approach...
I have more to write, i will,... At the moment i need to click on submit icon, before the spying eyes sees this posts content,.... I'm quite embarrassed on this naive content being viewed by genius sitting next to me ,... but i need to start somewhere, and tell the world the amazing facts of geography and space,.... for i'm truly inspired about everything around me,... Earth, Sky and Beyond,....
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Prayer - on Record
Friday, May 25, 2012
Managing a Hell named "Office"
Work is no Place to be philosophical. But, certain Philosophies when practiced at work place, can lighten up our
minds and save our health:
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Tidbid Thoughts
- his world is not my home I'm just passing through
my treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue
the angels beckon me from Heaven's open door
and I can't feel at home in this world anymore
if Heaven's not my home then Lord what will I do?
the angels beckon me from Heaven's open door
and I can't feel at home in this world anymore
- They're all expecting me and that's one thing I know
my savior pardoned me and now I onward go
I know He'll take me through though I am weak and poor
and I can't feel at home in this world anymore
if Heaven's not my home then Lord what will I do?
the angels beckon me from Heaven's open door
and I can't feel at home in this world anymore
- Just up in Glory Land we'll live eternally
the Saints on every hand are shouting victory
their song of sweetest praise drifts back from Heaven's shore
and I can't feel at home in this world anymore
if Heaven's not my home then Lord what will I do?
the angels beckon me from Heaven's open door
and I can't feel at home in this world anymore
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Sins of Easter and Good Friday!!!
“Are you planning to take meat, for the next 40 days, starting ash Wednesday?” A naive voice questioned my intentions, with so much care and affection. “Please follow, God will be happy if you follow the Veg Fast. It’s Written in the bible, so please consider following it,…” the naïve voice of CSI Christian re-instated the importance of Good Friday Fast.
Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and Easter!!!! How would I tell the 21st century Church that these Rituals and Festivals, which is regarded with such great prominence is indeed but a cocktail of Social Culture and Customs!!! I’ve been a Good-Friday Fast follower myself and I will, for the respect of my elders. But Sadly, my Fellow Elders are being trapped into thinking that Religiosity pleases God. Here are few pointers that I would like the reader to consider before following the fast:
“You shall keep the Feast of Unleavened Bread. As I commanded you, you shall eat unleavened bread for seven days at the appointed time in the month of Abib, for in it you came out of Egypt. None shall appear before me empty-handed”. – Exodus 23:15.
Why Easter is a Sin?
1. The name "Easter" comes from the name of the Babylonian and Assyrian goddess Ishtar Alias Astarte.
2. Easter “Eggs” and “Rabbit” originated for Worship Ritual Items for Ishtar for symbolizing Productivity and Fertility.
3. Easter Sunrise Worship was for Ishtar, also known and Lady in Heaven and Goddess of Dawn.
4. The "Hot Cross buns" are the "cakes" that were forbidden by the prophet Jeremiah during Feat of Unleavened Bread Week. The ingredient of honey in the "cakes" was another violation of the commands of Yahweh for He had charged the Israelites to offer neither leaven nor honey in any offering made by fire to Him (Lev. 2:11).
5. Acts 12:4, Refers to Passover (Greek: PASCHA) and not Easter as included by Catholic Church.
What’s the Core Problem with Easter and Good-Friday Fast?
1. Jesus Christ Was Crucified on Wednesday and resurrected on Friday!!! All the more, He is Resurrected and Forever among us. There is no Need to Fast or mourn over his Death. Jesus Said: “Don’t cry for me! Cry for yourself” and that He said exactly during the time He Carried the Cross while going to be crucified!! Does that not speak His Longing for Mankind to Mourn and Repent of their Sins?
2. Year after Year, Easter Falls on 1st Day of Passover Feast of Unleavened Bread. Easter always falls on the start of Lord’s Passover Day, strategically to replace Lord’s Yahweh’s Commandment with Worldly customs. How can the World Afford to Feast on the Day Ordained for Fast, by Lord God?
3. Passover Feast of Unleavened Bread is Commandment of Lord God. Lord’s Commandment through Eternity (Old or New Testament times) is that his people should strictly follow Passover. Biblical References both from New and Old Testament urge its followers to follow the Feast of the Unleavened Bread in Spirit and in truth. Jesus Longed to follow Passover before crucifixion (Luke 22: 15).
4. Easter is a Pagan culture. Christians should abhor Easter Feast as much they would see Idols. Good Friday and Easter “Rituals” are never quoted in Bible? Even if a Naive Christian would prefer to observe Christ Death and Resurrection, would you do so in compromising the Lord God’s Commandment of Passover?
“Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye who work iniquity [lawlessness].” Matthew 7:22-23
Feast or Fast, Sacrifices or Gifts! End of it, our God takes Pleasure in those who worship him in Spirit and in Truth. When we seek him in Spirit and in Truth, He would teach the way we walk and direct out path!!! It’s Vanity and hypocrisy to follow Religious customs and observe days for sake of Appearing Holy. Holiness comes from within!!! Not by the food we choose to or not to eat!!! As said earlier, Religiosity is opposite to being Spiritual!! They are two different worlds!!! Jesus Christ was spiritual, and remember he did not fit the Religious Clause of Synagogues (Church) or Pharisees (Pastors/Priests). Spirituality cannot be taught. Rules of the Church cannot get you there!!! It’s as Experience that Theology and Science can never comprehend. It’s as Experience bestowed not by Works (Rituals) or by Deed (Goodness) but only by “Grace” of God!!!
Jesus Christ Practiced Passover Year to Year, During His Lifetime – Both in Spirit and in Truth. We Christians are Being Urged to Follow the examples set by Christ here on Earth.
Verses on Importance of Passover: http://www.openbible.info/topics/passover