“Are you planning to take meat, for the next 40 days, starting ash Wednesday?” A naive voice questioned my intentions, with so much care and affection. “Please follow, God will be happy if you follow the Veg Fast. It’s Written in the bible, so please consider following it,…” the naïve voice of CSI Christian re-instated the importance of Good Friday Fast.
Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and Easter!!!! How would I tell the 21st century Church that these Rituals and Festivals, which is regarded with such great prominence is indeed but a cocktail of Social Culture and Customs!!! I’ve been a Good-Friday Fast follower myself and I will, for the respect of my elders. But Sadly, my Fellow Elders are being trapped into thinking that Religiosity pleases God. Here are few pointers that I would like the reader to consider before following the fast:
“You shall keep the Feast of Unleavened Bread. As I commanded you, you shall eat unleavened bread for seven days at the appointed time in the month of Abib, for in it you came out of Egypt. None shall appear before me empty-handed”. – Exodus 23:15.
Why Easter is a Sin?
1. The name "Easter" comes from the name of the Babylonian and Assyrian goddess Ishtar Alias Astarte.
2. Easter “Eggs” and “Rabbit” originated for Worship Ritual Items for Ishtar for symbolizing Productivity and Fertility.
3. Easter Sunrise Worship was for Ishtar, also known and Lady in Heaven and Goddess of Dawn.
4. The "Hot Cross buns" are the "cakes" that were forbidden by the prophet Jeremiah during Feat of Unleavened Bread Week. The ingredient of honey in the "cakes" was another violation of the commands of Yahweh for He had charged the Israelites to offer neither leaven nor honey in any offering made by fire to Him (Lev. 2:11).
5. Acts 12:4, Refers to Passover (Greek: PASCHA) and not Easter as included by Catholic Church.
What’s the Core Problem with Easter and Good-Friday Fast?
1. Jesus Christ Was Crucified on Wednesday and resurrected on Friday!!! All the more, He is Resurrected and Forever among us. There is no Need to Fast or mourn over his Death. Jesus Said: “Don’t cry for me! Cry for yourself” and that He said exactly during the time He Carried the Cross while going to be crucified!! Does that not speak His Longing for Mankind to Mourn and Repent of their Sins?
2. Year after Year, Easter Falls on 1st Day of Passover Feast of Unleavened Bread. Easter always falls on the start of Lord’s Passover Day, strategically to replace Lord’s Yahweh’s Commandment with Worldly customs. How can the World Afford to Feast on the Day Ordained for Fast, by Lord God?
3. Passover Feast of Unleavened Bread is Commandment of Lord God. Lord’s Commandment through Eternity (Old or New Testament times) is that his people should strictly follow Passover. Biblical References both from New and Old Testament urge its followers to follow the Feast of the Unleavened Bread in Spirit and in truth. Jesus Longed to follow Passover before crucifixion (Luke 22: 15).
4. Easter is a Pagan culture. Christians should abhor Easter Feast as much they would see Idols. Good Friday and Easter “Rituals” are never quoted in Bible? Even if a Naive Christian would prefer to observe Christ Death and Resurrection, would you do so in compromising the Lord God’s Commandment of Passover?
“Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye who work iniquity [lawlessness].” Matthew 7:22-23
Feast or Fast, Sacrifices or Gifts! End of it, our God takes Pleasure in those who worship him in Spirit and in Truth. When we seek him in Spirit and in Truth, He would teach the way we walk and direct out path!!! It’s Vanity and hypocrisy to follow Religious customs and observe days for sake of Appearing Holy. Holiness comes from within!!! Not by the food we choose to or not to eat!!! As said earlier, Religiosity is opposite to being Spiritual!! They are two different worlds!!! Jesus Christ was spiritual, and remember he did not fit the Religious Clause of Synagogues (Church) or Pharisees (Pastors/Priests). Spirituality cannot be taught. Rules of the Church cannot get you there!!! It’s as Experience that Theology and Science can never comprehend. It’s as Experience bestowed not by Works (Rituals) or by Deed (Goodness) but only by “Grace” of God!!!
Jesus Christ Practiced Passover Year to Year, During His Lifetime – Both in Spirit and in Truth. We Christians are Being Urged to Follow the examples set by Christ here on Earth.
Verses on Importance of Passover: http://www.openbible.info/topics/passover
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there i started reading.
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