1. Have a Heart-filled but Healthy Diet Plan:
Your baby gains weight progressively or rapidly during this period . It's still recommended you have an all Veggie platter complimented with Fruits, OATS/Cereals/Ragi Malt and egg but this trimester you are allowed to have your heart-fill, be it non-veg or cheesy foods. But, take care that you don't overdo foods that can harm the health of your baby or you. It's better to avoid Processed, uncooked, raw, Junk or non-nutritional "Empty" carbs, in best interest of your baby. You will be doing your little "pea in the pod"** a lot of favor by having 10 months of Fresh home made food. Also, remember, your baby needs to weigh around 3 kgs and overeating comes with the possibility of your baby being overweight making it hard for a Normal Delivery.
**"pea in the pod" - Forgive me, i love the name as much as the Brand. Thanks to my elder Sis-in-Law, Vinith Robinson, for letting me experience the clothing range!!! Truly amazing maternity clothing, i should say. Remember, this is a personal blog and i'm not paid for my positive comments here :-)
2. Let Exercise be a Routine:
If you have not started working out in second trimester, it is high time, you put on the jogging shoes and exercise gear!!! Exercise, helps in overall well-being of your baby and increases the possibility of to-be moms to have a normal delivery.
- Cardio workouts, is the key for increased oxygen supply for your baby, so ideally a Walking regime of 30 - 60 mins each day, is recommended.
- Floor (Pelvic) exercise routines like Squats, Lunges, Pelvic tilts, Abdominal Tilts, Kegel, leg lifts, lower-body stretches helps your gear up for labor - pain management. There are variety of group exercise classes or do-it-at home video lessons available in youtube. Take leverage of the resources available freely over the web, for it will help your transition into labor another trainable affair.
- Do as much as bending, kneeling, stretching, sitting down and getting up from floor as possible. Crude as it may sound, but take the first chance out to jump up on your feet and stay vibrant. In India, Women are advised to do household chores, including sweeping, moping,... It's natural way of opening up your pelvic and abdomen muscles for labor.
3. Get rid of uncontrolled Itch during pregnancy:
Uncontrolled Itch is not normal sign of pregnancy, as many think it is. Growing uterus puts weight on liver and bile salts are excreted more, causing uncontrollable itch. The Symptoms are that the itch starts on the Lower Abdomen and progressively spreads towards thighs, legs, back and hands. The urge to scratch oneself is so coaxing - which religiously i did :-), but eventually my gynecologist warned me of secondary skin infections and permanent marks. That did not stop me from backscratching myself , but few other measures, did help lowering my itch and i hope it will for you too.
- Take the Liver Function Test (LFT) and follow the drug prescription recommended by your physician.
- Always, supplement itch with splashing cold water or take a cold compress. Cold water compress on skin provides temporary soothing on itching skin.
- Avoid bathing in hot or warm water. though a obvious Corollary to above pointer, many recommend, warm shower during third trimester, for easing back pain. But if you are suffering from uncontrollable itch, stay away from hot shower!!!
- Drink a lot cranberry juice, it literally works wonders in flushing away unwanted toxins, infections and e.coli's,....
- Distract your mind away from the actual problem "Itch", by focusing on work or other assignments. (I used to study and it really helped,...)
4. Leg Swelling during pregnancy:
While a little bit of feet and leg swelling is acceptable during pregnancy, it is important, to keep the swelling under control. Too much swelling, means to much water retention and it could complicate things, especially if you are focused on having a normal delivery.
To keep the swelling in control,
- Reduce Salt Intake. Food intake should be with minimum salt, for it directly translates into body fat/water retention. On parallels, if you are hoping to loose weight or aiming for good carido-vascular health,reducing salt in food sources you intake is the key.
- Drink lots of water. 3 Liters is usually prescribed for pregnant mothers.
- Drink Barley water - Barley rice boiled in water, cooled and filtered.
- Drink Cumin Tea - Cumin (Jeera) Seeds boiled in water, cooled and filtered.
- Self--massage your skin with medicated creams.
- Get a pedicure foot massage as often a possible.
5. Beat Tiredness by staying active and getting adequate sleep:
Now that you are in your third trimester, the weight of the baby, may cause you to get tired quicker than often. It is better to get adequate sleep! Adequate, means not too much or not too little. An 8 hour night sleep and 2 hours noon nap will help you get rid of tiredness during pregnancy. Also, having your mind focused on a hobby or work or assignment will help you stay active and get rid of idle tiredness. Again, "Distract your mind away from the actual problem", here "tiredness". Too much thought on tiredness will translate into pain and discomfort, hence, train your mind to look away from the problem. Third way to keep tiredness during pregnancy at bay is to eat well and stay hydrated. Supply your body with nutritious food that will help you stay active throughout the day.
6. Stay Happy and cheerful:
(LIFE IN THE WOMB BEFORE BIRTH senses hearing and touch part 8), to learn more about how your mind and environment can impact your baby.
They say, no two labors are the same. each mom-to-be, have their own experiences and complications. It vital that those with Thyroid and Sugar problems take a lot of care, of course in line with doctor's recommendation while gearing up for labor.
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