c. 3500 B.C
A United Humanity of the remnant Generations, were scattered through the Face of Earth – so does Genesis account the story of Tower of Babel. Their Speech confounded each left from the city with his folk and different languages/ clans evolved.
2010 A.D
A generation that is toying with the idea of New World Order (NWO) and One World Government – promoted by a catchy theme “Globalization”. Temporary glue that elevated the 2008-2009 recessions will come back swiftly to further plummet our economies (and our homes) harder from Q4 of 2011 until Q1 of 2013. Political Leaders across the Summit are likely seriously consider, financial domain Intellect’s proposals of GLOBALIZED FINANCIAL MARKETS to create a sustained and stable economy. (Read me here “Proposal to be considered” – Implementation might take another considerable time, but soon the world will be one world/currency Market). Globalization is the key that drives many current day initiatives of Nations, Businesses, Market Analyst and Corporate.
Is this Era of Globalization restoring back what Cosmos have disintegrated??? What does the Unfinished Pyramid in $$$ Bill signify?? Would the Unfinished Pyramid relate to the Broken Tower of Babel?? Why is there 13 Steps in the Unfinished Pyramid? Who is that "He" in the phrase Annuit Coeptis? Is “English” the globally blossomed one-world language? Are we against the supreme in being a part of the Globalization process? .......Something that my mind is not able to fully comprehend (not even sure of), for am just a dumb fool. Academics and Mathematics have been tough for me to crack howbeit the Prophecies of Bible and God Supreme!!!
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