Sunday, November 21, 2010

“BEING” as Secret to Happy/Contented Life

“He Restores My Soul, for His Namesake”
– Psalm 23: 2

I’m but a breath of God! What’s in me is not a Built in identity called “ME”, but a mere air blown out from the Sprit of God. If I’m but an Immortal spiritual air caught up in a mortal body and a mere passenger who’s boarded this flight called life, where then did I pick up this baggage called Desire of Self? How could I afford to carry packets of Ego, Prejudice, Judgements, Un- forgiveness, hate and Need for Security...

Need for Security in itself contains an Ocean of Human Aspirations. “Studying” to secure a safe career, “Working” to secure a luxurious Living, “Lusting for power” to secure a strong Self-Identity, “Loving” to secure that unconscious need for companionship, “Marrying” to secure loneliness of old age ( through support stems of family)....Series of “ing, ing and ing” to secure an fantasy need and never BE Secure....

Civilizations and Culture has quite successfully enriched the thought of “man as a Social Animal” in exchange to the truth “Man is Man – a Living being created to live and die, just like any other animal”. Focussed to fully maximize the magical potential of Sixth Sense, the socially conditioned Man has lost sight to wholly experience and fully appreciate the power of other five basics senses inherent to all created beings. The Sole purpose of Man’s life whirls around LIFE – with every moment of it being experienced!!! But, how often do we fail to “just live” and be on a roller coaster life of “Wanting to live”? In Parallel, How often we fail to “Be Happy” in the process of “Wanting to BE Happy”. How many times have we drove past that same road, not recognizing those sea of underprivileged who can be helped much within our capacity? How many times have we limited our eyes to view just that flat screen notepad or TV Monitor and not feast our eyes in the world of beauty created for us – Mankind to enjoy? How many times do we live with our family under the same roof and yet not sincerely listen or wholly acknowledge their presence? How many times do you fail to just BE YOURSELF by not listening to the mind’s constant Voice Chatters (more specific -judgemental noises)??

Yesterday was no different from today and tomorrow will neither be, unless the perception of reality is changed from the imaginary social morals absorbed within that rusted brain. Life is right in your hands; waiting for you to make that choice....No one else can make that Choice for you! You have to! There’s a whole universe and Heavens waiting for you to “BE”. Just “BE”

“Human Being and not Human doing” they say. Here is the Slice of Being. Listen to your mind now! Take a deep introspection!!! Is it a Voice that’s chirping endlessly or you being consciously aware of what you’re Reading?
Result 1 - If hear that Voice, judgemental or evaluative in its tone, you’re probably someone who has failed in life miserably....either your loved ones do not love you, or you have all the money in the world and yet not a ounce of Contentment around, or you have no money at all and the debts are taking a toll over mind, health and family....-99.99% of humans will falls within this Circle *I was no different!
Result 2 – if you were able to distinguish the difference between that Voice and your quite calm self hiding beneath, this should feel exhilarating! All along we try to mask that smile or fake that talk, trying to be the action of the Minds Voice. Mind doesn’t talk. Mind Thinks! If you have, even for a second identified the calm, quiet self within you, this is Being!

Pearls of Wisdom:
1. Man through his own efforts can never “BE”. Jesus Christ the living bread is the only source of Life. No man can receive Eternal Life but through Him. Science and Technology of 21st century has rejected Ancient Words/Days/Theology and has brought world to the place where it is – War, hate, Poverty, depression, Homicide and Suicide. “State of Being” can reverse all this Worlds Disaster and this state should be directly received from the Source of Creation.

Promising triumphant Present/Future:
“State of Being” creates an opportunity for mind to experience the world around it. It’s not Stagnant Nothingness around you but a wholesome Awareness that creates ripples of success in every aspect of life. Need for love is substituted to being loved, need for companionship substituted by partnering in love lifetime fully committed, need for money/power substituted to Zeal for making a positive impact in every seen oppurtunity/occasion, Need for security substituted by conscious assuring life. Success through Being and Contentment are two sides of the same coin of Being.

Final Notes:

Life is but a pattern of your Thoughts Churned into Actions!! Change your perspective of Thoughts. If something has not or isn’t working, it will not work in the Future either....It is right in your hands to go to the Source of all Beings to get yourself liberated from past baggage, lost identity, failed life and be quenched with living waters of Life.
"He who has ears, Let him Hear"

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sunday School - Letz make it Exciting!!!

Sunday school trip on November 6th 2010 was a good one. The trip witnessed a variety of kids - Fair, Dark, Dusky, Short, tall, fat, average, puny...all shapes and sizes. Never to be beguiled by their cuteness and charm, for in them were colossal avatars of Tarzans, Janes and Montanas – Wild, Naughty , all starving
with an unquenched thirst to get drunk with the wine of fun n Mischief.....Gospel Songs are styled with actions and recited along to match the melody of the tune. Biblical Verses are loaded up into the short term memory bytes to seize the prized sticker and Chocolates. Stories received by these corporals quickly vanish to invisible for their minds are busy sautéing imaginations of next Prank in action. Games and Fun Activities are the only items of interest, for these to some extent, meet the compliance standards of Fun Quotient. Overall, to them Old biblical Stories and Songs is just another “Boring, Old” lecture - Thanks to the Morden day Entertainment options and Gaming Technologies!!!

Children when tweaked to a value system or belief, tend to hold on to that until adulthood or old age – Good or Bad. Say to a Child “you are useless” and you’ll see him/her going through a pattern of repeated failures throughout life...Such is the Importance of every word spoken to a Child. They don’t easily heed, but when they do, they receive it with all their soul and for a lifetime. Sunday school plays an integral role in shaping the minds of these kids, future citizens for Heavenly Kingdom. Primary/Secondary Education can equip a Child’s intelligence, but Sunday Schools should realize that it’s under its sole responsibility to COACH the Child on Spiritualism and Emotional well-being. (Notice I use the word Coach and nor Teach - Intentionally)
We are living in Changing Times and the truth is that neo- generation Kids have grown immensely contemporary both on intellect and entertainment. Sure like the show, there lies this doubt ahead of us, are we Smarter than a Fifth Grader? If not, will the same Conventional Methodology of Sunday school teaching suffice? Story telling in a Pseudo voice of kid or that action song with an Orbit smile or the word to word conventional lines of Jesus Christ is no longer going to appeal these little Intellects. Sunday School Content Delivery models that worked in early 19th or 20th Century, is definitely not going to amuse these neo-minds, sharpened by the technology. There needs to be a change in the pattern of Delivery Gospel to these little Minds. Gospel Puzzles, Brain Teasers or visual aids is just not enough; we need much more than that...

The Class sessions may include Technology as a part of its Scripture Curriculum. Customized “Sing Along” Software that can cheer up Kid’s Gospel Singing Sessions, a Biblical Gaming Product that can collectively let kids adventure through biblical times or Computer Based Tests built of easy, medium and hard levels, Role based play by Sunday school kids, Gospel case studies or Biblical project works....For now this is an idea! But maybe someday somewhere this dream for a dynamic Sunday school session, becomes true!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Junkyard Pebbles

In the cold dark night, when the wind chill quivered through her bones
She paced up her footsteps, to make it to Homestead lying on other side Highway road
The White dunes tightly securing the roads Aisle and flurries tenderly kissing its season delight
She felt unvarying shiver beneath the layers covered through her long-sleeved, half-kneed, Black Jacket.
It was an unusual evening, the temperature dropped to 15F; Wind Chill blew so hard, as it were to gust out in shots, all its accrued Green Vengeance, on every living being in the planet. Corporate Citizens of all sizes but with comparable Jacket, gloves, scarf’s and Hat, rushed to the parking lot, trying to flee and hide from wind’s cruel snare. She walked further with unyielding nudge, as racing cannibals on wheels sped fast across Hwy 640.The way was wide, spacious, Ample and all words that big can articulate to,….Crossing this way would take less than a minute in summer, but now, in the cold Shivery night, it seemed like eternity. But with firm thwarts against the nature’s freeze, she clasped Homestead’s knob, with benevolent ease. Hat and Gloves were now from off her skin, the door unclosed she stood staring the wind from inside her cottage inn. A warm coffee would not ease her shivers, neither would Heat that is generated. She stood still watching the moment, wanting to live and be a within the every icing, for it will soon be history tagged as “rare moments”, when she returns to her soil.

Now for those who are wondering what the post is about and those who are surprised at my incredible know-how to evolve one whole paragraph of 251 words, with absolutely no real happening here is the theme: Live Consciously. Be it crossing the road, chewing your food, walking on snow, Smiling (with or without a reason), Breathing, blablabla,…Take just one step at a time., for every moment carries within itself a Magic portion of Bliss that will never return. So Be the moment, Appreciate life and again Live Consciously.

Now, those who are still surprised at my incredible know-how to evolve (now) two paragraphs of “nothing”, Here is the Truth! The theme was just made up. I’m pretty much done with my work tasks today and this post was just meant to fill in the empty space at work. Now, don’t be annoyed for taking out your time. For Eastern Guru’s of Esha, Frozen Thoughts, Art of Living,…. are just doing the same. Evolving customized moment of Self-Awareness themes (which in my opinion is just theological fantasies) at your Heavy price!!! Empty Talks/Gyans they say!!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Tidbit Thoughts

At the End of it,
When the Trek called Life is over
I want to be remembered as
"Someone who had her Second Chance"

(-and tried to live up to it)

Friday, August 13, 2010

Globalization - End of Times???

c. 3500 B.C

A United Humanity of the remnant Generations, were scattered through the Face of Earth – so does Genesis account the story of Tower of Babel. Their Speech confounded each left from the city with his folk and different languages/ clans evolved.

2010 A.D

A generation that is toying with the idea of New World Order (NWO) and One World Government – promoted by a catchy theme “Globalization”. Temporary glue that elevated the 2008-2009 recessions will come back swiftly to further plummet our economies (and our homes) harder from Q4 of 2011 until Q1 of 2013. Political Leaders across the Summit are likely seriously consider, financial domain Intellect’s proposals of GLOBALIZED FINANCIAL MARKETS to create a sustained and stable economy. (Read me here “Proposal to be considered” – Implementation might take another considerable time, but soon the world will be one world/currency Market). Globalization is the key that drives many current day initiatives of Nations, Businesses, Market Analyst and Corporate.

Is this Era of Globalization restoring back what Cosmos have disintegrated??? What does the Unfinished Pyramid in $$$ Bill signify?? Would the Unfinished Pyramid relate to the Broken Tower of Babel?? Why is there 13 Steps in the Unfinished Pyramid? Who is that "He" in the phrase Annuit Coeptis? Is “English” the globally blossomed one-world language? Are we against the supreme in being a part of the Globalization process? .......Something that my mind is not able to fully comprehend (not even sure of), for am just a dumb fool. Academics and Mathematics have been tough for me to crack howbeit the Prophecies of Bible and God Supreme!!!

More about the Pic: A hexagram is two equilateral triangles superimposed over each other. If you placed a hexagram over the Reverse side of the Great Seal, five of the points in the hexagram would point to letters in the latin words - ASMON/MASON of "Annuit Coeptis" and "Novus Ordo Seclorum" which translates to "Announcing the Beginning of," and "the New World of the Ages" or "New World Order. – Source: Web

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Revelations on Youtube – Must See

Books of Revelations cannot be made any Simpler. Following Links on YouTube is simple, yet contains profound message of end of times. Watch every link of “The Bible Prophecy” series. - The Bible Prophecy 2 of 7 The Bible Prophecy 3 of 7 - The Bible Prophecy 4 of 7 The Bible Prophecy 5 of 7 The Bible Prophecy 6 of 7 - The Bible Prophecy 7 of 7

Friday, July 30, 2010

Why Loneliness? Why Suffering? Why Me?

“If things happened it is indeed for a reason. If it did not happen it was never destined to…”

Ancient Words, so they say are ever true!!! No matter how best a person gives to win the treasured prize, if life does not hold the same for you, “It will not happen”. It’s absolutely not your fault if your loved ones walk out of your life or if your kids no longer respond back to your love or if you are not on a right job that can satiate your living/core competencies. Whatever the boulevard of Broken Dreams is, trust that everything happens for Destiny’s own reason. Wisdom lies with a person who patiently endures these rainy days until FRESH spring blossoms up!!!

One may ask, but why rainy days??? Why me? How long? With an amateur knowledge that I have, I can sketch few reasons.

1. Sin Leads to Suffering: First, Foremost and the ONLY law of life. “What goes around will have to come around”. What in eating just a Fruit? It was a fruit of knowledge of good and bad, indeed. Further to justify, God already did have a plan to give both Fruit of knowledge of good and bad and Fruit of eternal life to Mankind. So what was wrong for Adam and Eve, to eat it? Yes the voice that whispers deep inside of you now is right. Disobedience is a sin! Failing to adhere to God’s words is a transgression. Infatuated to enjoy Blessings ahead of God’s appointed time is felony; to Lusting for a fruit which was pleasing to eyes and disregarding your responsibilities and commitment to God (and family) is crime. Cursing someone of death for eating just a fruit may sound absurd, but God is too righteous to just discount or oversee one’s flaws. It may not even look like a sin to you, it may be a fully accepted human norm, but in Destiny’s eye, “if one has sowed he has to reap for I – Good or bad”.

· Good news: If there are rainy days, then spring would sprout up. Patiently endure the consequences God will let time turn around for you and “FRESH LIFE” will blossom. The best part of chastising is that the old baggage of the past would be traced away so completely, that whatever happened will be like a dream. It would feel so strange that you may not even believe that you did those things in the past.

· Bad News: Chastising is a space that destiny gives for one to repent. If one does not realize the purpose of God during the lonely and reproachable times, life would be a woe. Your past will continue to haunt you throughout your lifetime and you would feel lost in no man’s island. Specifically, quoting, if one does not leave the dirty garment of bad past away, endure chastising and surrender to Christ’s plan, be sure, the road ahead will be bumpier. Life will be a desert! Friends and loved ones around will care for dogs and plants, but your life will they mock and make a laughing stock!! Life will be a bed of thorns and afterlife will be eternal blazing fire!

2. Just Time’s Play: “To ever thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven….He (God) hath set the world in time’s Heart” So says, the wise man Solomon. How many times, do we give our best only to see people failing to reciprocate fairly? In Corporate world, performance is the key. They say, It is a Wild race to outsmart and get ahead of the line. Now, logically figuring it out if an organization consolidates of these so called individual performances, it should soar up to heights of globally competing against the Forbes and Fortune peers. It doesn’t happen, does it? So what are we missing in-between? I’ll let you frame your own answers, but the base is if you are not promoted or not recognized within your organization doesn’t mean that your performance is low! In effect your performance may be the best though you are an unsung hero. Year 2008 recession created a world of unemployed! Loyalty champions who gave their half lifetime for their Company were shown the door. Not to forget other personal peripheries one encounters with the world of cynical folks. If your loved one walked away or you are not being treated fairly or not on the right job or if life’s a thorn, remember it’s just times play. Do not try hard to work against the wind of life, let go or silently hold on until wheel turns your side. Yeah, sure It will turn your Side, in due Season! It’s nature law to let man experience all life’s absolutes, so to evolve his own balance!

· Good news: Every time that refrains from embracing is duly followed with a time to embrace. A time to loose with a time to get. Experiencing diverse absolutes of life evolves meaning to one’s existence!! Life’s own lessons will be treasured and sense of being self-conscious will evolve. All things happen for good.

· Bad news: During Good times, when man is abundantly blessed, it is his responsibility to share the happiness and fruits of life to those around. There is no good in writing off a $$$$ Check to “world known – well-renowned” charity Foundation and yet be ignorant of a hungry beggar or destitute woman in your own neighborhood. Be careful, to be considerate during Good times!! Each man is accountable and destiny will fairly repay each man, his action.

3. Good for those around you: To be Continued

4. All for God’s Glory: To be Continued

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Word of Chirst in need is Aid, Indeed

November 2002. The only year-end term, when clouds flushes all its moisture to mellow down the otherwise hot, hotter, hottest seasons of Chennai. Weather chill and refreshing, the roads dusty and logged, she felt warm, as sands aroma, when it rained spread around. Mellissa was just another ordinary, with mere wishes and dreams and loads of devotion in her Maker. Yet, both were just mere empty sentiments, for most of her actions seemed like a wayward. At twenty –one, work to her was more of a hobby than a career plan or earning a living. A telesales executive selling for AT&T, Sprint and T-mobile plans, each of her work day went by chanting the online phone script all day. West, East, Central or Pacific, all folks in US had one thing wish common – “No Solicitation calls!!!” Voicemails, Hang ups, Irate Shouts, Request for “do not call list” enrolls, were dull senseless tasks that filled each day. On a particular showery day, as Mellissa made it to carry out the futile tasks at work, she waited as that one exceptional distinctive call dialed by the IVR landed to an East Coast resident. Call went through, the pitch was raised and free hand phone jazz was tipped to be sold. But, the Voice from the other side came out Fuming, foul, irate and loud . Wanting to Hard-sell to meet the numbers of the day, tis telesales executive went on and on with the sales pitch only for the old New Yoker in her near 50’s to get enraged about the Memorized one-line pitch. The New Yorker did not hang up, nor did she request to be enrolled on a do not call list, but choose take out all her life’s anger on the call. She persistently fumed her words of anger and frustration over this solicitation call. Mellissa trying to be courteous listened as the lady continued with her resentment. Anger turned to irate, irate turned to fury, fury to resentment and resentment to tears!! Tears! Yes Tears! Here is why - The old Lady was in her late 50’s, independent enough to earn her living. “I do not have the money to run this day, how do you expect to sell further your rubbish plan” She lamented. “Sell to someone else, it may click, I would not be able to be of any use to you”, her words now sounded sadly deprived. Mellissa felt it was time to shrug away the stupid one-line sales pitch, and put on her natural self. The Old lady continued to lament more of her being caught within nets of debts and how much her life has turned to a ruin. She had no soul beside her for help and the debts have gone overhead that it was completely wild out of hand. “Mam, there is a Way out! There is a God of Impossibilities. He is Christ!” The old lady now smiled out her hopeless sigh, as Mellissa repeated the usual words of a preacher. “Whatever, be your problem and no matter what situation you are in please Pray! You will see the debts going fully away from your Life”, this time old lady was filled with mixed emotions of despair, dissatisfaction and tears. “He cares for you, Mam. Don’t Give up too easily! Just make that one prayer, you will see Miracles”, “Whatever!!” the old lady sighed again, as Melissa spoke about Christ’s providence for her need. The call filled with rage, Tears, Despair and empathy had to conclude with a Hopeless sigh and it concluded. Not knowing what else can be done, Mellissa whispered a silent prayer to Jesus Christ, for the poor helpless Old New Yorker.

Days passed, so did two years, with years more sins, job swaps and windmills of lifetime changes! December 2004, so far away from the nerd years of 2002, Mellisa once received a mail package, quickly followed up with phone call on her personal Phone number. Trying to re-collect, she enquired for more details of this American calling on her cell phone- for she never knew any American personally. She called out her “real name” and said “don’t you remember me? You made so much of a change with that sales call of yours!”. Little was this expected!! “How on earth did she trace a address and phone number of an ex-employee of an outsourcing firm, way far from her Country and with just a pseudo name??”, Mellisa gasped with surprise!! She was happy to hear from the Old lady though, coz she was the very last person (till 2004) that she has advocated Christ to. The Old American lady, all happy and excited, thanked Mellisa for her comforting words in the past. She went on to say how she accepted Christ and how He has helped her over time with the tangled debts. She did claim that she has not fully got out of the debts, but through the Grace of Christ, she has been able to smoothly mange two years. She was nearing her pay-off of all her loans! Her mail package contained a Christmas card, Thank you letter and contact details. Mellisa could not contain her gratitude towards God for helping this old lady. It felt more like a hard pinch, especially when life had sucked her into to the sinful ways of the world. But she promptly thanked Jesus Christ (now who was more of a strange God to Mellisa– for personal reasons) and moved on with life.

There is no trace or remembrance of the old Lady, not even her name!! Not sure if she is Alive or Dead! But the Truth Remains, The old lady in her 50’s (as best she could be identified) was saved that day through Christ. The job was useless and futile, but Mellisa could have been placed on that job on that day particularly to re-Instate Christ’s Providence for the old lady. Thanks to her for letting Mellisa know after years, otherwise, she would have never knew that her plain words worked to be saving instruments of redemption by Christ. Hope, Mellisa gets to meet the old New Yorker in Heaven someday J

Lesson: Boldly proclaim Christ to those in need. One can never imagine what fruits a plain word of Gospel could Yield. I’ve had testimonies as to how suicides were stopped, marriages were sustained, and addictions were set free, through those right words at the right time. So, as the Holy Spirit leads, boldly (and of course, appropriately) reassure His ray of hope.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Happiness in Small things

Came across the following pearls of truth on the web, thought it's worth sharing around:

"Little pocket money changed to huge pay cheques, but gave less happiness.
A single Samosa plate changed to a full pizza, but with less hunger
Bike in reserve changed to car with full tank, but with less places to visit
Few local brand jeans changed to designer wears, but less occasions to wear" - Unknown

Growing old with time, comes with life’s own shredding away of good tidings. The universal perception of humanity, sharing to care for those around, innocence, blindfold trust in God supreme (without questioning His existence), sprit to unveil never ending opportunities, doing what the heart feels right ( and not what people around feel is right)…..the list can go on and on. Speaking right from within, in the present age I come across those earning well-settled individuals, who are just bothered of two things: Power Status and Money Inflows. Not quenched with God’s blessing and never contended with their Status Hierarchy, flatter with their sweet-tongued honey dripping lips only to lay traps to get ahead or stay securely rooted within their perused journey. Melting glaciers and Antarctica eruptions are far less threatening than for a “Christian” to live in a world filled with ruthless, wealth fanatical, caste/ community infatuated, growth obsessed wolves of the world. I say “Christian” not to religion, but to one who has their sins forgiven by heart and made child like lamb, through Christ. I have more to demarcations to add, which God-willing will be drafted through another post. But this is the testimony the one who’s walked in all wrong ways and lived a life that would bring shame to my Maker. Dollars or Lakh of Rupees, Designer labels or exquisite platters, Spa's or Degree from that reputed University, on four wheels or up in the Air, …. “Life’s Best of Best experiences lie in smallest and simplest of things”.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Tidbi Thougts

Arbitrary Quote: " No two souls are made for each other, we just make ourselves to BE THERE for each other" :)

Spiritual Tidbits: Divine Revelations

She took her flight into realm of glory. To a province for the immaculate and a land reserved for the pure. A spherical rock-strewn dome, clogged the view outside, but with curiosity she fluttered her fresh wings to make it through the rear way. Little could she ever phantom, the splendor within….

Like a zillion of crystals and diamonds melted to run out in free flow, so was the water gushing out of its falls from the heights of the rocky dome. The water was radiant, a silver shining, a luminous robe beaming out its falls into the pool surrounded by splendiferous circumference of jade nursery. The flora was fresh, shimmering and imperial green, just one leaf from this portion of vegetates would put the universe of Emeralds to shame. In its terrain plane, were other souls rejoicing, refreshing their core and bracing the created beauty. She settled her wings beside them to deeply sense within herself the glory of this realm. The scenic model of the waterfall can be well compared to that of the earth’s crust; but the splendor, sparkle and royalty within each of the nature created in heavenly realm, can never ever be comprehended by human mind. It may be insanity to the blind, foolish to the wise (for themselves), but it does not matter, for the experience revived the sense of being in her. Water-light was she, careless and safe in her maker’s land. Deeply immersed in His grandeur she felt resting at peace in the bay of the waterfall. After her soul’s content, she raised her wings muscle to explore more. May be it was not approved yet, hence she had to glide through a vast pasture (neatly trimmed to blanket the ground) soiled to nurture the tall lofty trees. Its stature was similar to Palm trees, but their heights ascended as giant, elevated high above the ground. She soared through above, with quench to see more, but it was withheld.

Years went by, things moved on; life took its course, and little did she ever realize the glory of what was revealed to her. November 11, 2009, 8 years later, she received the Anointing of Oil brimming fully she now realizes every revelation for its actual essence…..It may seem Delusional but with a smile she whispers “The Truth is simple and those who shall thrist for it, will soon see it"

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Recipe for Loneliness

“When you walk in the dark, even your shadow does not follow you”

So said Adolf Hitler, a cold-blooded Nazi, who rose to heights to satiate his obsessive hunger for power.

There are many leaders, politicians and people in influential places, who snooze through the deserts of loneliness each day. For any of their sociable gestures are but within the line of unspoken periphery, inside which there are no sentiments or favoritism or human bounds of any kind (so to avoid others from taking leverage over one’s plain courteousness). In this era headed toward globalization, most individuals are more than triumphant to lucratively bank for their physical needs of food, clothes and shelter. Indeed most of the white collared professionals are well-resourced to splurge their surplus on superfluous merchandises. But, these very people, who have all the money in the world to make them happy, are seldom satisfied on this journey called life. Sometimes it makes me wonder, if it is this life’s very emptiness that alters them to a selfish state to obsessively chase for Money, Power and Luxury. So do we find Happiness in them? We all know the end of Sir. Adolf Hitler….It sure was futile.

Reminded of a dialogue of the widow mother to her recently widowed daughter, in the movie P.S: I Love you: “I know you are lonely, I’m too, but at least we all are together in this loneliness”. Ironical as it may sound, but yes we all may seem happy from outside, but deep down within, the core of every heart, there foams, lava of discontent, a sense of untold loss, poignant thoughts of those broken dreams……Words can’t capture the colossal avatars of Loneliness. Your tears could have been crystallized through years; blood oozed from your hurt soul could have now clogged with no fellow soul to notice; your desire to simply “be understood/wanted” may now be just a hallucination, far from reality; you may have become Zombie, walking dead, with personal little desires buried and living through the routine scheduled responsibilities. Rich or poor, Political Leader or civilian, Influential or layman, you or me, married or single :-) *(1), we all as social animals are connected with the same cord. Are on the same plane! Are together in our loneliness! Collectively wanting for something from outside to make us happy within…..
Born from a mediocre family that’s been struggling through many hurdles, I was no exception. Since my childhood days, I’ve felt rejected. Parents who could provide the best of life’s best for me, somehow could not shore up to my wants for their special exclusive love. Formative decade at school was cocooned within walls of isolation, a defense shield from those bulling and teasing fellow mates. Friends who dawned up later, swiftly moved on at the same tempo they walk in. But, yet there on this boulevard of loneliness I was not alone, as I thought it might be. There was someone who’s been all along. He kept me going. His name is Jesus Christ!!! It may be tough for a neo-generational, techno-professional, semi-computerized personality, to count on someone unseen to quench one’s thirst of loneliness. But, I’ve always felt His real-time comfort during those downhill gloomy interludes of life. Hours muted through solitude, has always ended in His enlightening companionship. I just don’t assume He’s there, but have felt and known His presence carrying me through. I’m happy, Joyful and contented – Just because of Him.
Happiness is from outside is momentary and is very much relative to its environment. Happiness quotient fluctuates with how our-others treat us. It’s always possible to be excessively happy on the outside, be rich and of High power and yet intrinsically feel lonely and miserable. But Joy, that Jesus Christ gives is everlasting and from within. Joy is not relative to its environment and no matter how shoddier your loved ones treat you, you will experience brimming peace inside your heart’s core. It’s would be feasible to reside in worst of life’s miseries and yet be joyful. He is as Real as your wants are... He is the one who can make you feel Joyful from within.....He is the lone gratification for all that lava of bitter discontent…. He is the only recipe for your loneliness.

Being lost, means nothing more to lose. So, why not try Jesus Christ, before you sink further deep in your ocean of problems and head nowhere. Make a Simple Prayer*(2) … Probe Him, if He’s for Real?, Ask Him to show up just once, in your life… it will just be astounding to comprehend God’s way... You will never ever feel lonely again…..

*(1) Married people are lonelier than singles *(2) Am not being conventional repeating what preachers before my times have sermonized. This is my experience for ‘REAL’. A REALITY that God wishes to help each lament soul with.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Arbitrary Thoughts

Realize it’s almost close to a year since my last posting on Dreamer’s Journal. Not a good sign!!! Being a writer one would realize that blogging is not just concerned on getting one’s random thoughts on e-print. It’s more about conversations from soul that take vivid images as words so to appeal its unknown audience. It’s an outpour psyche, when those intimate folks whom we look up to for their time, are too busy living (Zombie’s), their programmed livelihood. It’s anguish of the sprit that battles against all social prejudices. It’s an essence of being and staying alive. To me writing is not a talent reserved for the intellect. It’s a masterpiece that can be crafted by any patient mind, who is primed to wait for words….

Started off this post to write down an excuse for my blogging break and here am I, scripting about Blogging!!!!!!!!!! :-(