1 Timothy 2:15 “Notwithstanding she shall be
saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with
I’m not a feminist! Nor am
I someone who speaks in favor or rise up flags for womanhood!!! But through
Childbearing and raising my son, Bryan, I’ve come to experience the untold
parallels between the two worlds. A physical world of Women Childbearing/Childcare
is no different from the spiritual world of salvation!
First let’s look, what
exactly is salvation. A large part of it is being born again is Christ the
Lord! But what follows to sustain this born again experience in spiritual world,
is renouncing the flesh and living for Jesus Christ. 1. Luke 9:3 “And he said
to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny
himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me”. 2. John 12: 24 goes on to say “Verily, verily,
I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth
alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.” 3. More so, the
immerse water baptism that symbolizes a person being dead to himself to raise
up again to live for God Jesus Christ.
Though, I believe Men
share an equal responsibility and provide a greater support for Women during
Child Care, what a Women goes through as a sacrificial transformation is on harmonized
parallels with the experience of Salvation in Christ! Christ Died for us! A
good Women dies for herself to live for her child and then family. Many Cases of Depression or Anxiety or Guilt (which
I must admit that I go through in synapses as well, Thankfully I’m blessed with
a husband who loves and support me through and out of it patiently), for
New-Mom’s happens literally because of denial of the above perspective.
Switching back and forth between Depression: Self (Interests, dreams and
Comfort) that is lost and Anxiety: rising up to live to the sudden
responsibilities of Family (Food, Household Chores, Child Care,……) can only
make Denial worse. Still remote are the multi-faceted roles of working mothers!
God alone give them the strength to meet the demands of job and home.
So, much sacrificial a
Women becomes, that 1 Timothy 2:15 goes on to say “she shall be saved in